The Best Things in Life are FREE

And no I'm not talking about love or that crummy stuff, Luther Vandross was obviously a better person than I was. I am talking about Sagatiba i.e. cachacha i.e. the stuff you use to make my fave cocktail - the caipirinha, i.e. love - hey, maybe I had more in common with Vandross than I originally thought. You learn something new every day.

So what's the deal? I know you perked up when you saw the word free - it's the one thing this damned recession cant screw up and make you feel guilty about. Especially free stuff on this scale - it's legendary.

Essentially Sagatiba decided that London is far too unhappy at the moment and needs its spirit lifting. What with the government in pieces, the economy in pieces, many people's lives in pieces, they thought that they'd give us a present to cheer us up. And like most presents (well, those without strings attached, watch out for those pesky strings, they'll strangle you I tell you), it's free.

You do the following:

- Log on to the website
- Fill in details and press click

They do the following
- Book a spirit lifting party for you
- Send a DJ to your chosen location (normally house/ work/ party)
- Send a capoeira dancer to your chosen location
- Send a mixologist armed with Sagatiba and magical caipirinha making abilities to your chosen location
- Give you music, cocktails and dancers to lift your spirit

Who said the milk of humankind was running dry? And if it is, there's plenty of cachaca to replace it with. Lets go over it one more time. You register on the website and you get a completely free party. What. Are. You. Waiting. For. Dumbass.

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